ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Drift (sensor)

Have you ever played with a toy car and tried to make it go straight but it keeps turning to one side? That's kind of like what drift is for sensors.

So, let's say you have a sensor that is supposed to measure something like temperature or pressure. But over time, due to various factors like changes in the environment or wear and tear, the sensor may start to give slightly inaccurate readings. This is called drift.

Imagine if you were trying to measure how much water was in a cup using a measuring cup, but the measuring cup had a crack in it that grew bigger over time. Even though you're trying to pour the same amount of water each time, you might end up getting slightly different readings because of the crack in the cup. That's kind of what drift is like for sensors.

To fix drift, you might need to recalibrate the sensor or replace it with a new one. It's important to keep track of drift over time if you want to make sure your sensor is giving accurate information. Just like how you need to make sure your measuring cups are in good shape if you want to get the right amount of ingredients in a recipe!