ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Driving (horse)

Driving a horse is a bit like playing a game where you are the captain of a big ship and the horse is your ship! Instead of sails or engines, the horse uses its legs to move forward.

First, you have to make sure the horse is all tacked up, which means it has a harness on with fancy pieces of equipment that help it pull the wagon or carriage you will be riding in.

Then, when you get in your carriage or wagon, you will hold onto something called the reins. The reins are attached to the horse's harness and are kind of like steering wheels in a car.

To steer the horse, you will pull on one of the reins to turn it right or left. To make the horse go faster, you can say a special word like "giddy-up" and snap the reins to make a noise that tells the horse to go.

Finally, when you want to stop, you pull back on the reins and say "whoa" to let the horse know it's time to rest.

So, driving a horse is really all about being the captain of your own special ship with a really strong and powerful partner to help you get where you need to go!