ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Drought in Australia

Drought in Australia means that there is not enough rain happening in many areas. Rain is what makes plants grow and gives water to animals. When there is not enough rain, plants and trees can die, and animals can have trouble finding enough water to drink.

Drought happens when there is low rainfall for a long time. Australia is a big country, and different parts have different climates. Some areas of Australia are more likely to have droughts than others, especially in the interior or the middle of the country, where it is very dry and hot.

The drought in Australia is a big problem for farmers, who need water to grow their crops and feed their animals. Without enough rain, farmers have to give their animals extra food and water, which can cost a lot of money. They may have to sell their livestock or not plant as many crops, which can hurt their income.

Droughts can also affect the environment. When there is not enough rain, rivers and lakes can dry up, and plants and animals can die. This can have a big impact on the ecosystem, or the natural balance of living things in an area.

People are working hard to help the farmers and communities affected by the drought. They may provide extra water or food for animals, or offer financial assistance to farmers. Some people are also trying to find ways to conserve water and use it more efficiently, so that there is enough for everyone even during dry times.

In summary, drought in Australia happens when there is not enough rain in many areas, causing problems for farmers, animals, and the environment. People are trying to help by providing assistance and finding ways to conserve water.