ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Drugs in the United States

Drugs are things that people can take to feel different from how they usually feel. Sometimes people take drugs because they are sick and need medicine. Other times, people take drugs for fun, and these kinds of drugs are called "recreational drugs."

The United States has a lot of rules about these drugs because they can be dangerous if people take them the wrong way or take too much of them. The rules about drugs in the United States are made by the government because they want to keep people safe.

There are two main kinds of drugs in the United States: legal drugs and illegal drugs. Legal drugs are things that doctors prescribe to people when they are sick. These kinds of drugs usually help people feel better or help them stay healthy. One example of a legal drug is medicine that helps you stop coughing.

Illegal drugs are different from legal drugs because they are not allowed by the government. That means that if you take them, you can get into trouble with the police. Some examples of illegal drugs are marijuana, cocaine, and heroin.

When people take drugs, it can make them feel different in good ways or bad ways. For example, taking some drugs might make you feel happy or relaxed, while others might make you feel angry or scared. Some drugs can even make you sick or hurt you if you take too much of them.

That's why it's important to always talk to a grown-up before taking any kind of drug. They can help you understand what the drug does, and whether it's safe for you to take it. Remember, it's always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to taking drugs.