ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dual-use technology

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a toy that can be used for good things and also for bad things. This is like what we call dual-use technology.

Dual-use technology is any tool, device or knowledge that can have both positive and negative uses. This means that it can be used for two different purposes, like helping someone or harming someone.

For example, a knife can be used in the kitchen to cut vegetables for soup, but it can also be used to hurt someone. Similarly, encryption software can help keep your personal information safe online, but it can also be used to hide criminal activity.

Many things around us have dual-use technologies. Sometimes, these technologies are regulated or restricted to prevent them from being misused. For example, some countries around the world might not allow certain kinds of scientific research that could be used for bad things like building dangerous weapons.

So, while dual-use technology can be very helpful, it is important to use it responsibly and to make sure that it is not used for anything harmful.
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