ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dubai Smart Police Stations

Dubai Smart Police Stations are special buildings where people can go to get help from the police in Dubai. They are called "smart" because they have special technology inside that helps police officers do their job better and faster.

For example, when you walk into a smart police station, you'll see a big screen on the wall where you can talk to a police officer through a video call. The officer can see you and hear you, and you can see them too. This means you don't have to wait in a long line to talk to someone in person.

There are also machines in the smart police station that help people report crimes or get information about their legal documents. For example, there's a machine that can scan your ID card and find out if you have any fines or tickets that you need to pay. There's another machine that can take your fingerprints and help you apply for a new passport or visa.

The smart police station also has a special room called a "prayer room" where people can go to pray or meditate if they need to. And if you need to use the restroom or get a drink of water, there are facilities available for that too.

So basically, the Dubai Smart Police Station is a very helpful and convenient place for people who need to talk to the police or get information about their legal documents. It's like a one-stop-shop where you can take care of all your police-related needs in one place, with the help of advanced technology and friendly officers.