ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Duke Kahanamoku

Duke Kahanamoku was a really cool guy who lived a long time ago in a beautiful place called Hawaii. He was a really good swimmer and loved to ride big waves on a board called a surfboard. People called him the "Father of Surfing" because he helped popularize the sport and taught it to people all around the world.

Duke also won lots of medals in swimming competitions, even in the Olympics! He was a famous athlete and people loved watching him swim and surf. He was even such a good swimmer that he helped save people from drowning when they got in trouble in the water.

But Duke wasn't just a great athlete, he was also a really kind person. He loved to help other people and make them happy. He would often give presents to kids and help raise money for good causes.

Even though Duke isn't alive anymore, people still remember him and think he was awesome. They even named a beach in Hawaii after him! So if you ever go to Hawaii and see a sign that says "Duke Kahanamoku Beach," you can know that it's named after a really amazing person who loved to surf, swim, and make people happy.