ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A duplexer is like a traffic cop for your cell phone or other electronic device that uses radio waves to talk to other devices. When you talk on your phone, it sends out radio waves to the other person's phone, and when they talk back, their phone sends radio waves back to yours.

But sometimes, those radio waves can get mixed up and confused. It's like everyone talking at the same time and no one can hear anyone else. This is where the duplexer comes in.

The duplexer helps your phone or other device separate the radio waves that are coming in from the ones that are going out. It's like a gate that opens up to let your voice out, but then quickly closes so that you can hear the other person's voice without any interference.

Think of it like a train station with two trains going in opposite directions on the same track. If they don't have a way to switch tracks, they'll just crash into each other. But if there's a switch that can direct one train to a different track, they can both continue on their journey without any problems.

That's what the duplexer does for your phone or other device. It helps to keep the incoming and outgoing radio waves separate so that you can have clear communication without any interference.