ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dvoretzky–Kiefer–Wolfowitz inequality

The dvoretzky–kiefer–wolfowitz inequality is a big math thing that helps us understand how likely it is that a bunch of things we're measuring are different from each other.

Imagine you have a bunch of balls that look very similar, but some of them might be slightly heavier or lighter than others. You can weigh all the balls to see if any are different.

The inequality tells us that if we weigh a certain number of balls, we can be pretty sure that the heaviest ball we find is not too much heavier than the average weight of all the balls. And we can be pretty sure that the lightest ball we find is not too much lighter than the average weight.

This is a really useful tool for scientists and mathematicians who need to compare a lot of different things and figure out if they're really different or not. The inequality helps them be confident in their results and make sure they're making accurate conclusions.