Dynamic dead-code elimination is like cleaning your toy box. Imagine you have a toy box with lots of toys. Some of the toys you play with all the time, and some of the toys you never play with. When you clean your toy box, you take out the toys you don't play with and only keep the ones you still like playing with.
Now, imagine your computer program is like a toy box with lots of code. Some of the code gets used all the time, and some of the code doesn't get used at all. When your program runs, it goes through all the code, even the parts that don't get used. This can slow down the program and use up more memory than it needs to.
Dynamic dead-code elimination is like cleaning out the code you don't need to use. When your program runs, it looks at which parts of the code get used and which parts don't. Then, it only keeps the parts of the code that you still need to use.
Just like cleaning your toy box helps you find your favorite toys faster, dynamic dead-code elimination helps your program run faster and use less memory.