ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dynamic routing

Dynamic routing is a way that computer networks talk to each other and send information from one computer to another. It's like a big game of telephone where each computer tells the next computer where to send the message until it reaches its final destination.

Imagine you have a map with lots of different ways to get from point A to point B. Dynamic routing is like having a GPS in your car that helps you find the best and fastest way to get where you are going. Similarly, in dynamic routing, the different computers in the network use a special software that helps them decide the best and fastest way to send information to its destination.

These software programs, called routing protocols, allow each device in the network to "talk" to the other devices and share information about the current state of the network (which paths are available, which are slow or congested, etc.). This allows them to choose the most efficient route for each message, based on factors such as traffic congestion or the number of hops (devices that messages need to pass through before reaching the destination).

Using dynamic routing helps ensure that messages are delivered quickly and efficiently, even as the network changes over time. This can be really important in large networks with lots of devices, where it would be time-consuming and difficult to manually configure each device to send messages along a specific path.

In summary, dynamic routing is like having a GPS for your computer network that helps information get to where it needs to go in the most efficient way possible.