ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

E-commerce payment system

Imagine you have a toy shop and you want to sell toys to people who live far away from you. You decided to use the internet to sell your toys because it's faster and easier.

Now, you need a way for people to pay you for the toys they want to buy. That's where the payment system comes in.

A payment system is like a helper that helps you take money from people who want to buy your toys. Here's how it works:

When someone wants to buy a toy from you, they go to your website and choose the toy they want. Then, they go to the payment system and enter their information, like their name, address, and the number on their credit card.

The payment system checks with the bank to make sure there is enough money in the customer's account to pay for the toy. If everything is okay, the payment system takes the money from the customer's account and puts it in your account, so you get paid for selling the toy.

This is how e-commerce payment systems work. They help people buy things on the internet by taking money from their bank accounts or credit cards and giving it to the seller.

It's important to use a payment system that is safe and secure, so people's personal and financial information doesn't get stolen. That's why companies use special payment systems that protect their customers' information.

So, in summary, e-commerce payment systems are helpers that take money from people who want to buy things on the internet and give it to the seller. They make it easy for people to buy things online and keep their information safe.