ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

E. F. Schumacher

E.F. Schumacher was a very smart man who said that we should think about things in a different way. He believed that we should focus on small things, like how to make our everyday lives better, instead of just thinking about big things like governments and countries.

He also said that we should think about how we use our resources, like the things we get from nature, in a way that is sustainable. This means that we should use them in a way that doesn't hurt the environment and that we can keep doing for a long time.

Schumacher also believed that everyone should have access to education, even if they are not rich or live in a big city. He thought that everyone should be able to learn about things that they are interested in, and that this would help make the world a better place.

Overall, Schumacher wanted us to think about the small things in life and how we can make things better for everyone, while also taking care of the world around us.