ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

E. Howard & Co.

Imagine you have a really cool watch that you can wear on your wrist. Now imagine that the company who made that watch is called "E. Howard & Co." This company started a long time ago, when lots of people wanted special watches that could do more than just tell time. These watches were called "chronometers" and they were used by sailors to help them navigate the seas.

E. Howard & Co. was one of the first companies to make these special chronometers, and they became really famous for it. They even made watches for important people like presidents and kings!

But making watches wasn't easy. It required a lot of hard work, and the people working at E. Howard & Co. had to be really skilled at what they did. They had to be able to make tiny gears and springs, and they had to put them all together in just the right way so that the watch would work perfectly.

Eventually, other companies started making chronometers too, and E. Howard & Co. had some competition. But they still made really high-quality watches that were loved by people all over the world.

Today, E. Howard & Co. isn't around anymore, but their watches are still really special to people who collect them. They remind us of a time when things were made with care and attention to detail.