ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

ECC patents

Okay kiddo, so have you ever heard of a secret code that only you and your friend or family member knows and you use it to send secret messages? That's kind of like what patents are for grown-ups. When someone comes up with a new invention or design that they think is really cool and useful, they can file for a patent. This is like telling the government all about their secret code so no one else can copy it without permission.

Now, ECC stands for Elliptic Curve Cryptography, which is a fancy way of saying a type of secret code that is really good at keeping information secure. It's used for things like sending secret messages or keeping credit card information safe when you buy something online.

When someone comes up with a new way to use ECC or improve upon it, they can file for an ECC patent to protect their invention. This means that no one else can use their idea without getting permission or paying for it.

So, imagine if you made up a secret code that was really hard to crack and you wanted to make sure no one else could use it without your permission. You could file for an ECC patent to protect your secret code and make sure no one else could steal it or use it without your permission.