ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


ELISA stands for "Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay." It's like playing a super fun game with your friends to find out if someone has an illness or not.

To play the game, your friends first take some blood from the person you want to test. Then, they put a small amount of that blood into little wells on a special plate.

Next, they add some special chemicals called "antibodies" to the wells. These antibodies are like superheroes that can find and grab onto germs or viruses that might be in the person's blood.

But how do we know if the antibodies found anything? That's where the fun comes in! Your friends add another special superhero called an "enzyme" that can change color when it touches certain things.

If the antibodies found any bad germs or viruses in the person's blood, then they will be sticking to the antibodies in the wells. The enzyme will then touch those antibodies, and the color of the solution will change!

By looking at the color change, your friends can tell if the person is sick or not. It's like a high-tech treasure hunt where the superheroes find the bad guys and make the treasure--the color change--appear!