ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

EPODE International Network

Okay kiddo, so imagine there is a big group of people who want to make the world a healthier and better place to live in. They know that one way to do this is by helping people to have healthy habits like eating good food and exercising.

The group is called the Epode International Network, and they have people in different countries all over the world working together to help their communities become healthier. They have lots of doctors, teachers, and other smart people who know a lot about health, and they share all their knowledge to help make the world a better place.

The Epode International Network has a special program called EPODE (which stands for "Ensemble Prévenons l'ObésitéDes Enfants," but don't worry about that big name), and the program is all about helping kids learn about healthy habits. They make things like games and activities to make learning about health fun and interesting.

So, because the Epode International Network is made up of lots of people all over the world, they can share what works best in different countries and help each other to make their EPODE programs better. They work together to make sure that everyone has the chance to be healthy and happy!