ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so imagine you have a big jar of sand and you want to pour it into another jar. But you don't want any of the bigger rocks or dirt to get into the new jar, just the sand. So you put a filter on top of the new jar and pour the sand through it. The filter catches all the bigger stuff and only lets the sand go through.

Now, eSTREAM is kind of like that filter, but for information that is being sent over the internet. When you send information, like a message or a picture, it gets broken down into really small pieces called "bits". These bits travel through the internet like tiny particles all over the place, and sometimes they can get mixed up with other bits or get lost along the way.

That's where eSTREAM comes in. It helps keep the bits organized and makes sure they don't get mixed up with other bits or lost. It does this by putting a kind of "filter" around the bits when they're being sent, called a "stream cipher". This cipher makes sure that only the right bits get to the right place and that they don't get messed up on the way.

So, in summary, eSTREAM is like a filter that helps keep your information safe and organized while it's traveling over the internet as tiny "bits" of data.