ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Etblast is like a magic machine that helps scientists find information about genes that are similar to each other. Think about it like you and your best friend being similar because you both have blue eyes and are good at math. Etblast helps scientists find these similarities between genes by looking at their DNA code.

When scientists study genes, they often use a long and complicated name called a sequence. This sequence is like a secret code that tells scientists all about the gene. Etblast helps scientists compare these sequences and find the similarities between genes.

It's kind of like playing a game of matching. When you have two cards that are the same, you take them out of the game, and that's exactly what Etblast does! It helps scientists find the matching genes, so they can study them more closely.

Etblast is a very helpful tool for scientists because it makes it much faster and easier to find similar genes. This helps scientists make new discoveries and come up with new ways to help people who are sick.