ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Early European modern humans

Long ago, there were some humans who were a bit different from the other humans around them. They lived in Europe and were called "early European modern humans." The reason they were different is because they looked a bit more like us than the other humans of their time.

These early humans had bigger brains and were smarter than the others of their time. They were also good at making tools and using them for hunting and gathering food. They were very resourceful and could adapt to different environments, which meant they could live in many different places.

One important thing to know is that these early European modern humans weren't the first humans to ever exist. Before them, there were other kinds of humans like Neanderthals. But these early Europeans were very successful and eventually replaced the other kinds of humans.

Today, we are all descendants of these early European modern humans. They were our distant ancestors and played an important role in our evolution and development as a species.