ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Early centers of Christianity

Okay kiddo, so a long, long time ago in the country of Israel, there was a man named Jesus. Jesus was a very special person who believed in helping others and teaching them about love and kindness.

After Jesus died, some of his followers started teaching others what Jesus had taught them. These followers traveled around different parts of the world, and some of them eventually settled in different cities.

These cities where Jesus’s followers settled became known as “centers of Christianity.” There were some cities that were more important than others in the early years of Christianity, like Rome, Jerusalem, Antioch, and Alexandria.

People started building big, beautiful churches in these centers of Christianity where they could gather and pray together. They would sing songs and listen to the teachings of the leaders of the church.

Over time, Christianity spread to different parts of the world, and more and more people started following Jesus's teachings. And that's how the early centers of Christianity came to be.