ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

East–West Schism

Okay kiddo, so a long, long time ago, there was one big group of followers of Jesus called Christians. But over time, there were some differences in beliefs and practices that developed between some Christians in the eastern part of the world (like what we now call Turkey, Greece, and Russia) and some Christians in the western part of the world (like what we now call Italy and Spain).

These differences were about things like how to worship, what language to use during religious ceremonies, and who had the most authority in the church. And because they couldn't agree on these things, they ended up splitting into two different groups.

The group in the west became known as the Roman Catholic Church, and the group in the east became known as the Eastern Orthodox Church. This split between the two groups is called the East-West Schism.

The split happened in the year 1054, and even though it was a really long time ago, it still affects how some people practice their religion today. But even though they're separate groups, both Catholics and Orthodox Christians still believe in Jesus and try to live good and loving lives.