ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Eastern Bloc economies

The Eastern Bloc economies were a group of countries in Europe and Asia that followed a type of government called Communism. This type of government was in place from the 1940s until the early 1990s. In countries under Communism, the government owned almost everything and gave out jobs, housing, and food to people. People were not allowed to buy and sell things or start their own businesses. This meant that most people didn't have enough money to buy things.

The economies of these countries were not very good because it was almost impossible to do business or make more money. The economy was very slow and most people lived in poverty. The government was not very good at running the economy, so things stayed the same for a long time.

In 1989, Communism fell and people were allowed to have their own businesses. This changed the economy of the Eastern Bloc countries and allowed people to have more money. With the new freedom to do business, people were able to make their own money and buy things. This boosted the economy and allowed for more growth and better living conditions.