ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ecce Mono

"Ecce homo" is a Latin phrase that means "behold the man." It refers to a painting of Jesus that was created by a Spanish artist named Elias Garcia Martinez in the late 19th century. The painting was commissioned for a church in Borja, Spain, and was intended to be a depiction of Christ as he appeared before Pontius Pilate.

Over time, the painting suffered from damage and began to deteriorate. In 2012, a woman named Cecilia Gimenez attempted to restore the painting on her own, but her efforts were not successful. Instead, the restoration made the painting look very different from its original form, and it became something of a laughing-stock.

The phrase "Ecce homo" is now often associated with this botched restoration attempt, and has become a kind of shorthand for any situation where someone tries to fix something but makes it worse instead.