ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ecclesiastical address

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes you go to church and there's a person who talks up front? That person is called a minister or a pastor. And just like you have an address for your house, the minister also has an address for where they work. This address is called their ecclesiastical address.

Think of an ecclesiastical address like a big, fancy mailbox where the minister receives important letters and packages. But instead of being for their personal things, it's for important church matters like invitations to speak at other churches, letters from other church leaders, and important documents related to the church.

Sometimes the ecclesiastical address can be a church building, but it can also be a post office box or a personal residence where the minister lives. It just depends on the specific rules and regulations of the church they work for.

In summary, an ecclesiastical address is like a special mailbox for church leaders to receive important letters and documents related to their work at the church.