ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Eco-action means doing things that help to take care of the environment. This includes things like using less energy in your house, recycling your garbage, using fewer plastic bags or containers, and buying local and organic food.

When you use less energy, you help to reduce the amount of pollution being created. You can do things like turn off the lights when you leave a room or unplug your electronics when you're not using them.

Recycling is when you take things you might normally throw away and turn them into something new. This helps to reduce the amount of garbage in landfills, which are big areas where we throw things away. When we recycle, we can reuse the materials that we already have instead of making new ones.

Using fewer plastic bags or containers is important because plastic takes a very long time to break down. When plastic is thrown away, it can harm animals and the environment. By using fewer plastic bags or containers, we can help to reduce the amount of plastic pollution in the world.

Buying local and organic food means getting food that is grown nearby and without harmful chemicals. When we buy food that is grown nearby, we help to reduce the amount of pollution that is created by transporting food from far away places. When we buy organic food, we help to reduce the amount of chemicals that are used to grow our food.

Overall, eco-action is all about taking care of the environment and doing our part to make the world a cleaner, healthier place.