ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Economic history of India

Hey kiddo! Today, we are going to learn some interesting things about the economic history of India.

The economic history of India talks about the way people in India made a living and how they bought and sold things. People in ancient India used to trade goods and services. They would exchange items like cotton, silk, spices, and pearls. India has always been an important center for trade.

In later years, India's economy grew under different rulers like the Mughals and the British colonial rulers. During the Mughal rule, India's trade grew even more as the rulers brought in new technologies and infrastructures. India also became a source of wealth for the British, they would use their power to extract resources from India to fuel their own economy.

After India got its independence in 1947, it started developing its economy and industries. A lot of the resources were nationalized, and the government controlled many large industries. The government also put in policies that promoted manufacturing and industries like steel production and car manufacturing.

Nowadays, India is considered to be one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. It has a thriving service and software industry, as well as many manufacturing and agricultural industries. India is even considered to be the world's second-largest smartphone market!

That’s it for today kiddo! I hope you enjoyed learning about the economic history of India.