Okay kiddo, so Christmas Island is a small island in the middle of the Indian Ocean. It's an Australian territory, which means the Aussie government is in charge of things like laws, healthcare, and education.
One of the main ways Christmas Island makes money is through phosphate mining. Phosphate is a rock that has important minerals that are used in things like fertilizer for farming. The island has a lot of phosphate, so mining companies come in and take it out of the ground. This creates jobs and brings in money for the government.
Tourism is another way Christmas Island makes money. Because it's a small island with beautiful beaches and unique wildlife, people like to visit and explore. Tour companies offer activities like hiking, snorkeling, and bird watching to visitors. This also creates jobs and brings in money for the island.
Because Christmas Island is a small place with a limited amount of resources, many of the things people need - like food, clothing, and building materials - have to be imported from other countries. This means that the island doesn't have a big manufacturing industry or produce a lot of its own goods.
So, to sum it up: Christmas Island makes money through phosphate mining and tourism, but they have to import a lot of their goods from other countries.