ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Economy of Italy under fascism

Alright kiddo, so back in the old days, like when your grandparents were young, there was a man named Benito Mussolini who was in charge of Italy.

Mussolini was part of a political party called Fascists, and they believed in having a strong central government that controlled everything in the country, including the economy.

Basically, this means that the government made a lot of decisions about what businesses could do, how much they could charge for things, and who they could sell to. They also made sure that people who didn't agree with them didn't have as much power or opportunities.

Under Fascism, Italy's economy grew a lot in the beginning, because the government invested in big projects like building new roads, bridges, and factories. Mussolini also made sure that people had jobs so they could earn money to buy things they needed.

But, as time went on, this system proved to have a lot of problems. For example, there wasn't as much competition between businesses, which meant that prices didn't go down, and people didn't have as many choices. Also, because the government controlled everything, there wasn't a lot of innovation or new ideas being developed.

In the end, Italy's economy under Fascism was strong in some ways, but it had a lot of flaws, and it wasn't sustainable over the long term. Nowadays, most countries have economic systems that are based more on free markets, where businesses can compete with each other, and people have more choices about what they buy and where they work.