ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Edge disjoint shortest pair algorithm

Okay, let me explain Edge Disjoint Shortest Pair Algorithm like you are 5 years old.

You know how when you want to go from one place to another, you can take different paths, right? But sometimes, you might need to take a path that doesn't have any overlapping parts with other paths. That's exactly what we mean by an "edge disjoint" path.

In computer science, people use this same concept of finding paths between things, except they're trying to do it as quickly as possible. That's where the "shortest pair" part comes in.

So the Edge Disjoint Shortest Pair Algorithm is like a computer program that tries to find the quickest path between two things, but also makes sure that the path doesn't overlap with any other paths. It's kind of like playing a game of Connect the Dots, where you have to draw lines between the dots but you can't cross any lines.

The reason why this algorithm is important is that sometimes, in computer networks or transportation systems, you need to make sure that different paths don't interfere with each other. Otherwise, there might be traffic jams or slow data transfer speeds.

So, imagine you have a map of a city, and you want to find the quickest way to get from your house to the park. The Edge Disjoint Shortest Pair Algorithm would find the shortest path possible, while also avoiding any roads or streets that are being used for other purposes. That way, you could get to the park quickly and without any hiccups.