ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ednyfed Fychan

Well, long, long time ago in Wales, there was a brave and daring warrior named Ednyfed Fychan. He was a really important person in the royal family and helped the king rule the land.

Ednyfed Fychan was a very helpful and smart person. He was in charge of lots of things like farming and looking after the king's land. He worked really hard and made sure everything was running smoothly.

People loved Ednyfed Fychan because he was a really good person and always helped them when they needed it. He was always kind to everyone and made sure they were happy.

Because Ednyfed Fychan was so helpful and important, he was even given his own special coat of arms. This was like a badge that showed everyone he was part of the royal family and really important.

So, even though Ednyfed Fychan lived a long, long time ago, people still remember him today for being such a wonderful and important person in Welsh history.