ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Education for refugees, migrants and internally displaced persons

Alright, kiddo! So, education is really important, right? Well, some people have had to leave their homes because of war, natural disasters, or other scary things. We call these people refugees, migrants, or internally displaced persons.

Now, sometimes when people have to leave their homes, they also have to leave their schools. That means they can't learn anymore. That's not fair, is it? So, we want to make sure that these people are still able to learn even if they can't stay in their own homes.

Some kind grown-ups and organizations work really hard to help these people. They make special schools or classes for the refugees, migrants, and internally displaced persons to go to. They make sure that these schools are safe and have everything the kids need to learn.

But, sometimes it can be really hard for these people to go to school because they might have to move around a lot or not have enough money. That's why some groups also go out to where these people are staying and teach them there.

So, basically, there are special schools or people who go out and teach refugees, migrants, and internally displaced persons because we want everyone to have a chance to learn and be smart.