ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Education in Iran

Hey there! Would you like me to explain how education works in Iran like you are five years old? Sure thing!

Education in Iran means going to a school just like you do. However, there are some differences. In Iran, children start school at six years old and the school is compulsory until the age of 12. After completion, students can choose to continue their education until they are 18 years old.

Primary education in Iran, which is the first six years of school, is focused on teaching children how to read, write, and basic mathematics. This includes subjects like science, history and religious studies. Many schools in Iran are single-sex schools except for the final year of primary education.

Secondary education, which is the next six years, is divided into two levels of study. The first three years cover general subjects like maths, language, and social sciences. In the final three years of secondary education, students choose to follow one of three paths: either they study at a vocational school to learn a trade, go to a technical school to gain skills in engineering, or study for the college entrance exam which will enable them to go to university.

In Iran, university education is highly valued and respected, so many young people strive to get into a good one. They can study a wide range of subjects including medicine, engineering, law, and humanities.

One notable feature of the Iranian educational system is that the curriculum also includes religious studies. Students learn about Islam, the Quran, and Islamic teachings. The education system emphasizes discipline, respect for authority, and a commitment to social responsibility.

In summary, education in Iran is similar to your school but with its own unique characteristics, such as an emphasis on religious studies and a strong focus on higher education.