ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Education in Moldova

Education in Moldova is like a really big school for all the kids in the country. Moldova is a small country in Europe where lots of people live. In the big school, all the teachers help the kids learn things like reading, math, science, and history. The teachers teach the kids all about the world and how things work.

Kids in Moldova start going to school when they are about 6 years old. The school is free for all kids and they have to go to school until they are about 16 years old. This is called compulsory education. After that, they can choose to keep going to school or they can start working.

The school day usually starts in the morning and finishes in the afternoon. Kids learn different subjects each day, like reading and math one day and science or history another day. They also have fun classes like music and art.

In Moldova, there are different types of schools. Some schools are big and have lots of kids, and some are small and have fewer kids. There are also schools for kids who need special help with their learning. These schools have special teachers who give extra help to the kids who need it.

After finishing school, kids can go to college or university to keep learning. This helps them get better jobs in the future.

Overall, education in Moldova is really important for kids to learn and grow so they can have a better life when they grow up.