ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Educational essentialism

Okay kiddo, Educational essentialism is a fancy way of saying that there are some important things that all students need to learn regardless of where they come from or what they want to do when they grow up.

It's like everyone has to learn how to read, write, do basic math, and understand some science and history because they are the fundamental building blocks for any education.

Essentialists say that every student should have a solid foundation in these subjects before they can move on to other fields such as art, music, or sports. It's kind of like you need to learn how to crawl before you can walk or run.

Essentialists believe that education should be focused on developing these basic skills and knowledge so that students can begin to think critically, reason, and solve problems. They also believe in discipline, order, and structure, so you might find that they think rules and routines are important for a good education.

Think of it like building with Legos. You have to start with the basic building blocks before you can make a cool spaceship or castle. Educational essentialism is like starting with the basics of education so that you can build a strong foundation for a successful life.
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