ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Educational leadership

Imagine that school is like a big castle, where all the children go to learn how to become knights and princesses. But who's in charge of the castle? That's where educational leadership comes in.

Educational leadership is like the king or queen of the castle, they make sure that everything runs smoothly and nicely. They are the ones who make sure that all the knights and princesses are safe, happy and learning new things.

To be a good educational leader, you have to be very smart and have lots of experience in teaching and managing people. You have to be a good listener, and really care about the knights and princesses in the castle.

Educational leaders make lots of important decisions, they decide what subjects the knights and princesses will learn, who their teachers will be, and what kind of equipment they will use.

They also make sure that the teachers get the support they need, and that everyone in the castle is working together to make education the best it can be.

So, to sum it all up, educational leadership is like being the king or queen of the castle, but instead of knights and princesses, they are in charge of making sure all the kids in school are safe, happy and learn new things every day.