ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Edwin Ardener

Edwin Ardener was a very smart man who liked to study and learn about different cultures and languages. He was especially interested in how people talked and how language helped shape their ideas and beliefs.

One thing that Edwin Ardener noticed was that women often had a different way of talking than men. He thought this was really interesting and started to study it more.

He found that in some societies, women had their own special language that they would use when they were with other women. This language was different from the language that men used, and it was used to talk about things that women thought were important.

Edwin Ardener also noticed that in many societies, women were not allowed to speak in public or have important jobs like men did. He thought this was unfair and wanted to change it. He believed that women were just as smart and capable as men, and that they should have the same opportunities.

Overall, Edwin Ardener was a very curious and thoughtful person who studied language and culture in a unique way. He wanted to understand how people communicate and why they do the things they do, especially when it came to how women are treated in society.