ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Efé people

Efè people are a tribe of indigenous people who live in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. They have lived in the forest for thousands of years and have their own language and culture.

The Efè people live in small communities and their way of life revolves around hunting, fishing, and gathering fruits and nuts from the forest. They use bows and arrows to hunt animals like monkeys, birds, and wild pigs. They also fish in the rivers and collect fruits like bananas and nuts like Brazil nuts.

The Efè people live in huts made from leaves and branches which they build themselves. The huts are raised off the ground to protect them from flooding during the rainy season. They sleep in hammocks and use fire for warmth and cooking.

The Efè people believe in spirits that protect the forest and their community. They have ceremonies to honor these spirits and to ask for their protection. These ceremonies involve singing, dancing, and the use of hallucinogenic plants that they believe help them communicate with the spirits.

The Efè people have faced many challenges to their way of life in recent years due to deforestation, mining, and other forms of development in the Amazon. Some organizations are working to protect their land and culture and help them maintain their traditional way of life.