ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Egalitarian social choice rule

An egalitarian social choice rule is like sharing toys with your friends. Everyone gets an equal share, no matter how much they have or how much they contributed.

Let's say you have four friends, and you want to share five cookies with them. An egalitarian social choice rule means that each person would get one cookie, even if someone brought their own cookies to share or someone really likes cookies more than others.

This rule is based on the idea that everyone should have an equal chance or opportunity to get something. It doesn't matter if someone is rich, poor, young or old, they should all have the same chance to get something good.

In the same way, an egalitarian social choice rule can be used to decide who gets what resources, opportunities or benefits in a society. It ensures that everyone is treated fairly and equally, and that no one is left out or disadvantaged because of their background or status.