ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Elaine massacre

Okay kiddo, so a long time ago, in the year 1919, there was a place called Elaine in Arkansas. And something really bad happened there, which is now called the Elaine Massacre.

Now, there were a lot of black people who lived in Elaine at that time, and they were poor farmers who worked hard to make a living. But back then, white people were in charge of pretty much everything, and they didn't treat black people very nicely.

One day, some black sharecroppers (that means they worked on someone else's land and got paid very little) decided to join a group called the Progressive Farmers and Household Union. They hoped that by joining together, they could get better working conditions and fair pay.

Well, that made some white people in Elaine really mad. They didn't like the idea of black people banding together and standing up for themselves. So some white men got together and formed what they called a "posse."

Now, posse sounds like it could be a fun game, right? But this was a very bad kind of posse. It was a group of white men who went around with guns and clubs and horses, looking for black people to hurt.

One night, the posse went to a church in Elaine where some black sharecroppers were having a meeting. They said the black people were being "disruptive," but really they just wanted to scare them. The posse ended up shooting and killing a white man who had come to the meeting to help the black sharecroppers.

That made things even worse. The white people in Elaine got really angry and started spreading rumors that the black sharecroppers were planning a rebellion. They said they were going to attack all the white people in the area.

So the posse came back, and this time they brought soldiers with them. They started going from plantation to plantation, looking for black people to hurt. They didn't care if the black people were innocent or had nothing to do with the supposed rebellion. They just wanted to show them who was boss.

It went on for days, and lots of black people were killed or injured. Some were just trying to protect their families or run away, but they were shot anyway. And the worst part was, the white people who did these terrible things didn't get in trouble. They were never punished for what they did to the black sharecroppers in Elaine.

So, that's what happened during the Elaine Massacre. It was a really sad and scary time, and it reminds us that we always need to treat each other with kindness and respect, no matter what color our skin or where we come from.