ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Elections in Honduras

Election is a special time where people from a country vote to choose their leaders. In Honduras, people get to vote for their president, members of congress, governors and other people who will help run the government.

Before the election day, many people called candidates will ask for the job by telling people what they would do if they were chosen.

On Election Day people go to a special room called a polling station to cast their votes. This is usually a school or church that has been set up with a lot of little booths that are similar to small rooms. People go into the booth and make their selection on a piece of paper (or a digital device in some cases).

After the polls close, the votes are counted and the person who gets the most votes wins. However, sometimes the votes are recounted if there is a problem or complaint.

The winner then takes up the job they have been given and starts to make decisions that will affect the country. It is important for people to vote and choose the right person they think will do the best job for the country.