ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Elections in Italy

Okay, first, let's imagine our classroom as Italy. When we have to decide who will be the class leader, we all vote! In Italy, voting is a way for the citizens to choose who they want to run the country.

The people in Italy get to vote for people who will represent them in the government. These people are called politicians. Politicians represent different groups of people who have different ideas about how the country should be run.

So, there are many different politicians who come from different parties in Italy. They all have different ideas on how the country should be run.

When it's time for elections, Italians go to a special place and put their vote into a box. This box is like a big jar where we put things, but the only thing we put in the box is our vote.

After everyone has voted, people count all the votes to figure out who won. The politician or party with the most votes wins!

In Italy, they have a special type of election called a parliamentary election. This means that the people vote for politicians who will make up the parliament. The parliament is a group of people who make decisions about the country and vote on laws.

Once the parliament is formed, they choose someone to be the leader of the country. This person is called the Prime Minister.

So, that's how elections work in Italy! The people vote for politicians who will represent them, and the one with the most votes becomes the leader.