ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Electric bacteria

Electric bacteria are tiny living things that can generate electricity. They are so small that you can only see them with a very powerful microscope. These bacteria are not like normal bacteria that you might have learned about, as they can create energy from things around them (just like how we use food to get energy).

The way electric bacteria can make electricity is by moving tiny particles called electrons around. These electrons are like the building blocks of electricity. Electric bacteria can move electrons from one place to another, which creates an electrical charge. They use this electricity to do things like power their own bodies or to interact with other bacteria.

One important thing to remember is that electric bacteria are not the same as the batteries that we use to power our phones or toys. Batteries store electricity so that we can use it later on. Electric bacteria actually create the electricity themselves.

Scientists are still learning a lot about electric bacteria and how they work. They are interested in understanding more about how we might be able to use these tiny creatures to create new forms of energy that could power things like homes and cars in the future.
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