ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Electric trike

An electric trike is like a tricycle with a battery and an electric motor that helps it move. It's like having a little helper who pushes your trike along when you get tired of pedaling. The electric motor is powered by a battery that you can recharge, just like when you charge your phone.

The electric trike has three wheels instead of two, which makes it easier to balance and it's very stable even if you're not very good at riding a regular bike. You can use an electric trike to ride around the park or the neighborhood, and you won't have to worry about getting too tired because the motor will help you along the way.

You can control the speed of the electric trike by using a handlebar throttle that lets you go faster or slower. Just like when driving a car, you can also use brakes to slow down or stop.

One of the best things about electric trikes is that they are environmentally friendly. They don't produce any emissions or pollution like cars, and they are much quieter than motorcycles or gas-powered scooters.

In short, electric trikes are a fun and practical way to get around, especially if you want some help pedaling.