ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Electrical impedance tomography

Okay, so imagine you have a big toy box with lots of toys inside. You want to know what toys are inside without opening the box.

Well, that's similar to what electrical impedance tomography does. It's like a special camera that takes pictures of the inside of your body, without cutting you open or using radiation like X-rays.

Instead, it uses very small electric signals that are sent through your body and then measures how those signals move and change as they pass through different parts of your body.

Just like the toys in the box, different parts of your body have different levels of resistance to these electric signals. Electrical impedance tomography uses these differences to create a picture, or "map", of what's inside.

This can help doctors see if there are any problems in your lungs, heart or other organs, and then figure out the best way to treat them.

So, it's like a magic camera that helps doctors see the inside of your body without cutting you open!