ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Electro-biochemical reactor

An electro-biochemical reactor is like a special machine that takes in dirty water and makes it clean again. It has three important parts: the electrode, the bacteria, and the water.

The electrode is like a tiny metal stick that gets very hot when electricity runs through it. When the hot electrode is put into the dirty water, it breaks apart some of the dirty stuff inside.

Next, the bacteria go to work. They are like little living things that eat the dirty parts of the water that the electrode broke apart. As the bacteria eat, they also make electricity.

The electricity made by the bacteria goes back to the electrode, which keeps it nice and hot. This hot electrode keeps breaking apart the dirty stuff in the water, which feeds the bacteria even more.

Over time, the dirty water gets cleaner and cleaner because of the work of the electrode and bacteria. It's like a big team effort to make the water healthy again. When it's all done, people can use the clean water for drinking, washing, and more!