ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Electroanalytical method

Imagine you want to know how much sugar is in your glass of lemonade. One way to do that would be to taste it and guess, but that's not very precise.

Instead, we can use an electroanalytical method to measure the exact amount of sugar in that glass.

This method works by using electricity to determine the concentration of a particular substance. In the case of the lemonade, we might use something called a glucose sensor.

The sensor works by having a tiny electronic circuit that is sensitive to changes in the electrical properties of the liquid it's immersed in. When the glucose in the lemonade touches the sensor, it creates a reaction that changes the electrical properties - and the electronic circuit can measure those changes.

So, by running a tiny electric current through the sensor and measuring the change in the electrical properties of the liquid, we can figure out exactly how much glucose is in the lemonade.

This type of analysis is often used in scientific research, medical testing, and even environmental monitoring to determine the concentration of various substances in different types of liquids.