ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


An electrocatalyst is like a superhero that helps us turn electricity into something useful. Just like how Superman saves people from danger, an electrocatalyst helps speed up a reaction using electricity so that we can create products faster and more efficiently.

Let's say we want to turn water into hydrogen gas using electricity. An electrocatalyst would help speed up that reaction so that we can get more hydrogen gas in a shorter amount of time. It's like having a friend who helps you finish your chores faster so that you can play outside sooner!

Just like how a superhero has a special power, an electrocatalyst has a special ability to make chemical reactions happen more quickly and efficiently. There are many different types of electrocatalysts, each with their own unique superhero powers, that we can use to help us in different chemical reactions.

Overall, an electrocatalyst is like a handy tool that helps us make reactions go faster and can be used in many different scenarios, just like a superhero can use their powers for many different purposes.