ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Electrolaser is a type of weapon that uses a really strong and focused beam of electricity to zap things from far away. It's kind of like a laser, but instead of using light, it uses electricity.

Now, let's pretend you have a toy gun that shoots tiny plastic balls. When you pull the trigger, the gun uses a spring to launch the ball out of the barrel. An electrolaser works kind of like that, but instead of a spring, it uses a big jolt of electricity to create a beam that shoots out of the end.

To make an electrolaser work, you need three things: a power source, a capacitor, and a laser. The power source gives the laser a big jolt of electricity, which charges up the capacitor. Think of the capacitor like a little battery that stores all that power until you're ready to use it.

Next, you aim the laser at your target, and when you're ready, you release all that stored electricity. The electricity follows the laser beam and delivers a super high-energy shock to whatever it hits.

So imagine you're playing a game with your toy gun, and you see your friend across the yard. You take aim and pull the trigger. The plastic ball flies through the air and bounces harmlessly off your friend's shirt. But imagine if your toy gun was an electrolaser instead. You aim the laser at your friend, pull the trigger, and...ZAP! Your friend gets hit with a powerful jolt of electricity that knocks them over.

Now it's important to remember that an electrolaser is not a toy and should only be used by trained professionals in certain situations. But hopefully you now have a better idea of how it works and why it's such a powerful weapon.