ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Electron hole

Okay kiddo, let's talk about electrons and holes!

So you know that everything is made up of tiny particles called atoms, right? Well, inside an atom there are even tinier particles called electrons that move around the center of the atom, kind of like how the Earth orbits around the sun.

Now imagine a material made up of a lot of these atoms all stuck together, like a brick wall. When energy is added to this material, some of the electrons get so excited that they can jump out of their atoms and into other atoms, like they're playing a game of tag.

But when this happens, there's a problem. The atom that had the electron is now missing an electron, which makes it unstable and not very happy. To make up for this, it tries to steal an electron from another atom. This means that another atom is now missing an electron, and this chain reaction can keep going until there's a "hole" where an electron used to be, and it's like a game of musical chairs where everyone is missing a seat.

So, an electron hole is basically a spot in a material where there should be an electron, but because it jumped to another atom, there's a "hole" instead. This hole can also act like a positively charged particle, which can affect how electricity flows through the material.

I hope that helps you understand electron holes a little better!